with 2012 coming to a close these cousins can't help but reflect on all the tasty food we've eaten this year and the great people we've met in the process.  as such we revisited some "favorites" to make sure they are as great as we remember.  we weren't disappointed.  yes, it's a tough job but someone's has to do it!  if you haven't been to any of these places please put them on your list for 2013!

thank you for all of your support this year!


Love to hear what you think!


  1. What a great idea to honor the owners of the restaurants you loved! Seeing their smiling faces warmed my heart.
    And thank you to you guys for a year of beautiful photos and introducing your followers to new and special places.
    Here's to a New Year of filled with many wonderful surprises! Happy Birthday Daniel! xxxx

  2. Thank you for including Antique Taco !
    Your pictures are always delicious .. Ashley & Rick

  3. Just met you guys at Angela's and went through your favorites from 2012. Well done! Looks like I have some eating to do ;) Keep up the good work -Greg

    1. thanks greg. hope you enjoy ALL the posts and try to keep up with us!
